In challenging times we get stressed and when we are stressed we go into survival mode. It shuts down a lot of our capacities and ultimately our connection to our selves. We start to focus in only on the danger – perhaps using all our energy trying to fight it, perhaps running from it, perhaps being frozen in fear, perhaps trying to fix it… This is called fight, flight, freeze, or fawn. This is how it can look in practice:
Becoming focused only on self-protection, instead of doing things that help us to grow
Start doing things the way we think we ‘should’ in order to keep ourselves safe (In business this can look like no longer being innovative or letting go of genuine quality in order to focus on what sells)
Refusing to be vulnerable and possibly even being critical of yourself and others
Making compromises instead of staying on point with your vision for yourself
Everything becoming a bit chaotic
Stress is a menace! It will mess things up for you – and the same applies to anyone experiencing stress. This is the problem. In work, business, and even in our personal relationships, stressful times will lead to everyone else around us being stressed too.
If you are in business or a position of responsibility – whether work or otherwise – then the people around may well need your support when stressed. And what do you think they will need?
A) Someone else in flight, fight, freeze or fawn??
or B) Someone who kept focused on being able to see themselves and other people clearly?? Someone who kept honing their ability to support people instead of fighting fires??
The answer is kind of obvious when laid out in black and white…You don’t need emergency or reactive strategies – instead you need to stay centred. This means clearing your own practical and mindset blocks, preserving your energy, learning how to support people on a deep level, and generally just honing your ability to be the calm and wise – to be the eye in the storm.
It is tempting to abandon ourselves when life is stressful and to think that growth and development aren’t important. However, instead of focusing on survival, now is the time to hone in on one thing: honing your craft.
Why is this? Because when things are tricky people get more discerning. They start to notice where the real substance is. They don’t have the same inclination to shiny things – instead, they want to work with people who are really adding value and making an impact (this applies to business and career). Yes, it is possible to be successful and a charlatan. However, that either leads to the demise of your business/career or the demise of your own wellbeing – or both. The other route to success is to really really love and respect your craft. You can hustle your way to the top and end up stressed and eventually caught out. OR you can get really good at what you do, focus on your results, and get more satisfaction out of your work in the process.
It is easy to ignore skill and craft. It really is. Especially when the world starts squeezing and stressing us out. But without that gift of an artful and solid foundation, you will always have less to build on… Less opportunity, less success in the long run, less of a shot at REALLY shining. And when the world is chaotic or cold or stressful for other people, they NEED you to be the light.
Our coaching diploma will help you to hone your craft! If your work involves raising others up, helping to create change, or motivating others then this is for you. Whether a leader, advisor, or supporter, it will give you new tools for approaching challenges and working with people.